Mother’s Day is coming up in many countries.

Do you know what she loves getting most of all..?

In many European countries, as well as a number of nations in Africa, Asia and the Americas, Sunday May 10 of 2015 is Mother’s Day. Other countries have the day that we officially pamper our dear mamas on a different date, but soon nonetheless. Forgetting your mother on this day is a grave sin, surely? So make her truly happy, with some flowers! That is the message we will be spreading in the coming week…


An important day for giving flowers

The Mother’s Day period is very important for the sale of flowers – as well as for other gift items. Chocolate brands, drugstores, perfume brands: they all try to garner that extra little bit of attention. Happy mothers feature prominently in the advertisement campaigns, preferably in combination with the to-be-marketed product. To stand out amongst this barrage of messages, Florint and its partners will be highlighting a different side of Mother’s Day.

An empty vase

By visualising how a mother feels when she fears being forgotten, we want to remind people of Mother’s Day – and stimulate them to buy flowers for mom. We do this by showing an anticipating mother, who is entirely ready to receive her visitor. And as a clue to her favourite gift – a beautiful bouquet of flowers – an empty vase stands on the table, waiting to be filled.

Sacha Goldberger

The campaign image was created by French master photographer Sacha Goldberger, who is an authority when it comes to capturing emotions and understanding aesthetics. Because the focus is on the face and the empty vase, no words are needed to convey the message – the story in fact tells itself!

Mother’s Day campaign

The campaign starts April 29 and runs until May 10, Mother’s Day. Germany and The Netherlands are the two key target countries, where online as well as outdoor media channels will be utilized to spread the message to a wide audience. Florists in other countries are encouraged to use the campaign image as well, as it communicates the Mother’s Day message so effectively!

Promotional poster for Mother’s Day

You can download the Mother’s Day campaign image as a poster, to use in your flower shop for example, through the following links. It comes courtesy of the Flower Council of Holland, please credit them if you decide to use it.

Netherlands: vertical, horizontal, large PDF poster
Germany: vertical image, horizontal image
Spanish: horizontal image (May 3)
Large poster, without any text: please click here