Happy with spring flowers!

So fresh, cheerful and promising. Who doesn’t love spring flowers?

Awakening nature is an inexhaustible source of inspiration for scintillating spring bouquets – packed with flowers and blossom, naturally.

They bring the spring indoors (and that’s particularly important when winter carries on outdoors for longer than you’d like).

Can you smell spring? Featuring: Viburnum Opulus, Syringa and Iris

1 mix – 2 bouquets

Seasonal ingredients
A selection of seasonal flowers

Do you know them all? From left to right: Echium, Hyacinthus, Anemone, Viburnum opulus, Muscari, Scilla en Myosotis.

Grande bouquet
The message is: I love you, mom!

Perfect combination of vase and flowers. Wouldn’t Mom be blown away by this bouquet?

Featuring: Viburnum Opulus, Anemone and Myosotis.


Hand bouquet
It’s the gesture – not the size – that matters!

Mixing the same blue flowers, but downsize the length and number of flowers, creates a lovely bouquet.

Featuring: Viburnum Opulus, Anemone, Hyacinthus and Scilla.

Peonies to surprise mom

Handteid bouquet featuring the first peonies
Power bouquet with peonies

Before dawn the seasonal flower growers are working to harvest the flowers at their best. It’s a party to get started!

Handtied bouquet featuring: Peonies, Matthiola, Bouvardia and Ixia.


It’s still early in the season, but steal mom’s heart with the first peonies
For all moms: peonies

Let the peonies speak for itself. With a supporting cast of fluffy flowers like Celosia.

With our flowers you can create the season

On photo: Ranunculus, Syringa, Matthiola, Blossom, Lathyrus, Chamelaucium, Dicentra spectabilis, Narcissus, Spirea arguta, Cytisus scoparius

Close up: Ranunculus

Typical spring flower: Rancunculus. The growers tip: Handle with care!
Ranunculus grower Rijk de Jongh handles the flowers with care. Every flower is handpicked.

Handle with care! This certainly applies to Ranunculus. Remove the wrapper (this will keep the leaves looking good longer) and stand the flowers upright in fresh water containing cut flower food for bulbs. Your customer will get the maximum enjoyment from the flowers by slant cutting a piece off the stems and standing them in a clean vase of fresh water with cut flower food for bulbs. The water should not be too deep as this is bad for their hairy stems. Ranunculus is a greedy flower and the vase should be topped up regularly with fresh water. The flowers will keep their looks longest in a cool, draught-free environment.

Close up: Cestrum

A colourful bouquet with Ranunculus, yellow Tanacetum and Cestrum.
Cestrum; surprising seasonal flower.

The Israeli grower Moran Lev is the last surviving Cestrum flower grower. “The dark pink Cestrum tends towards black when it gets colder. I think that’s an amazing colour,” says Moran Lev, who grows Cestrum as a cut flower together with his parents. It’s a real family business: Cestrum ‘Red Zohar’ is named after his brother, ‘Eden’ after his daughter. “She really likes that, but now my other daughter wants a flower too !”

Source of text and photo's www.pureseasonalflowers.com