With the fifth Dutch Lily Days coming into view, its organisation announced a change. The week will be shifted in 2015 to June 2 – 5. This is the organisation’s response to the wish expressed by many visitors to be able to see flowering Orientals as well. Another advantage is that the Flower Trials are held a week later, and foreign visitors can now combine their visit to both events.
The fifth Dutch Lily Days builds on the successful formula first introduced in 2011. Now sixteen lily breeders and exporters open their doors for four successive days. This formula makes it easier for customers and other business relations to obtain a complete picture of the lily varieties all at once. And more and more people are taking advantage of that opportunity. Visitors plan it in their calendars as soon as the dates are announced. The interest from abroad has also been growing consistently over the four years.
This initiative has contributed to a major extent to putting lilies back in the spotlight, confirmed Dirk van Dorp from C. Steenvoorden BV. ‘The Dutch Lily Days are a display case for the entire sector. The significance of the event is putting Dutch lilies back on the map. And by combining forces with other exporters and breeders, you can draw attention to the broad palette of lilies.’
Given the years it takes to develop new varieties, trends in breeding are difficult to follow, but it is striking that the market seems to prefer brighter colours. ‘White will traditionally remain the most important colour, but the market is also looking for colours like cerise or purple.’
Orientals in bloom
This year the Dutch Lily Days have moved to another spot on the calendar. The choice for June 2 – 5 means that flowering Orientals will also be on view, which was a wish expressed by many visitors. In earlier years the programming was arranged too early for this late-flowering lily group. It also benefits our international business relations as they can combine it with a visit to the annual Flower Trials.
Sixteen participants
The participants in the fifth edition of the Dutch Lily Days are: Van den Bos Flowerbulbs, De Jong Lilys, Bot Flowerbulbs, Laan Flora Facilities, Lily Company, Mak Breeding, Marklily, Onings Holland Flowerbulbs, The Originals, C. Steenvoorden BV, G.A. Verdegaal, Gebr. Vletter & Den Haan, VWS Flowerbulbs, World Breeding, Zabo Plant and Royal Van Zanten.