Enjoy the autnmn with Classic Hydrangea
Put the flowers in sufficient fresh cold water and always use cut flower food. For fresh hydrangea this extends vase life for over a week. With this vase life will be 2 to 3 weeks. Therefore always supply your customer, at purchase, cut flower food. Fresh Hydrangea do not agree with being dry. They can be stuck in Oasis, with enough water. Sufficient pre-watering is important here. Cut off a piece of the stem with a clean and sharp knife or trimmer for better water absorption.
For classic Hydrangea care is similar to fresh, only: if the flowers no longer absorb water and the leaves sags, remove the leaves from the stem and throw out the water in the vase. Put the flowers back in the vase without leaves and water. The flowers can be expected to dry out completely and can still be enjoyed for months.
See consumer care tips for tips you can share with your customer.
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