Ranunculus fresh from italy, Ilex Oudijk Orange
Cryptomeria Elegance, Pernettia, Calla leaves, Cestrum Red Zohar
Verena Classic Light Green, Verena Classic green, Verena Classic Red-Green-Silver, Rodeo Classic Green-lavender
Rodeo Dark Purple
Pimpernel Classic Aubergine,
Inspire Pink-Green, Rodeo Classic Pink-Green, Rodeo Classic Fuchsia, Rodeo Cerise
Open-mouthed in wonder Have you ever heard the name Eustoma? No? That’s no surprise, since this name is not often used. Yet it is the official name of the lisianthus. And when you know the meaning of Eustoma, you will understand why this is an appropriate name for this fabulous flower. There’s an obvious reason why the name liasanthus, which is actually the old name, is much better known than the later name of Eustoma. A lot of people do not feel that Eustoma sounds particularly pretty. Yet it’s a fine name… ‘Eu’ stands for ‘good’, ‘stoma’ for ‘mouth’. So Eustoma means ‘good mouth’. Which isn’t really that strange, when you think about it. Because every time you see the versatile liasianthus with all its shapes, colours and varieties, your mouth drops open in amazement and wonder. Just take a look!Lisianthus or Eustoma?
Beauty is (also) on the inside